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As a non-for-profit community club, we like to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all our members. 


This means that the following guidelines and instructions must be met and carried out by every individual on all our trips.


Please read carefully prior to any trip or registration as a new Member.


Gladstone 4WD Brochure-03.png

Trips and Camping Guidelines

  • All drivers must be licensed.

  • Vehicles must be registered and in a roadworthy condition.

  • All vehicles attending trips must have approved tow points (front & rear).

  • Vehicles must be inspected by Trip Leaders prior to commencement of trip.

  • All vehicles must carry recovery equipment.

  • All vehicles must be fuelled prior to departure.

  • All vehicles are driven at the owners risk. It is up to the individual to have adequate off road and camping insurance.

  • All trips are subject to weather conditions. If a trip is cancelled or details are changed, the trip leader will contact those on the trip sheet the evening before the trip (or as soon as cancellation has been identified). 

  • The trip leader will advise of the route and all vehicles must follow the convoy rules.

  • All members and guests must conduct themselves in a responsible manner.

  • All camp sites must be left free of rubbish and tidy.

  • Pets are only permitted on some trips as determined by the trip leader.

Notice to all Members & Visitors

  • ALL members, visitors and their passengers are reminded that their attendance or participation in any club trip or event is of their own choosing and that they accept FULL RESPONSIBILITY for their own actions and consequences. 

  • ALL persons - drivers, visitors and passengers - are reminded that they have a 'Duty of Care' to themselves as well as others and that they are to take all necessary reasonable steps to ensure their own safety and safety of others at all times. 

  • All members, visitors and passengers are reminded that although the Club attempts to conduct trips and events in the safest possible manner, there are many changing factors and unforeseen circumstances over which the club and its members have no control. 

  • Members, visitors and passengers are the only persons who know their own capabilities and therefore are the only persons who know if they are capable of participating or continuing to participate in a club trip or event. If these persons feel that they or their vehicle are incapable of participating or continuing to participate in a club trip or event in a safe manner, then they need to withdraw at that time from that club trip or event. If this happens, the person(s) MUST notify the Trip Leader and Club Official by radio or other means of communication of their intention to withdraw, PRIOR to leaving the group. 

  • Trip Procedures are provided by the Club for the safety and enjoyment of everyone on a trip or event. Please make sure that you view the Trip Risk Assessment, and any questions regarding this back to the Trip leader. 

  • Your participation on any club trip or event is conditional upon you and your passengers/visitor/guests or others, accepting the Club Rules and By-laws, the Trip Procedures and therefore accepting the liability of your own actions at all times. 

  • Please remember that any event or trip is much more enjoyable when each of us takes care, not only of ourselves, but also for the safety of others. 

  • At ALL times, members, visitors and passengers are to adhere to ALL Queensland Road Rules (other State or Territory Rules will apply within interstate Trips) including an Alcohol Limit of no more than the legal limit of 0.05. Failure to do so will prevent you from participating in future Club Trips. 


4WD Requirments

Club Trip 4WD Requirements


UHF Radio


Front and Rear Recovery points


Fire extinguisher


Snatch Strap


CRC or Similar


First Aid Kit




2 x Shackles

Convoy Rules

To ensure that we all get the most out of our trip the following convoy procedures are to be adhered to:


  • Members and visitors are to arrive 10 minutes prior to designated departure time with fuel tanks filled prior to the start of a trip.

  • The trip leader should remind all drivers before moving off the convoy procedure is to be followed;

  • The convoy is to have a nominated 'Tail End Charlie'. In the event of a breakdown, the 'Tail End Charlie' will wait and organise assistance. The trip leader is to be properly informed of any breakdowns or hold-ups.

  • When a turn is being made, make sure that the vehicle behind you has noted/acknowledged the correct route.

  • On difficult tracks, make sure that the vehicle is front has negotiated each obstacle before you proceed. At times it may be necessary to radio and check if it is ok to proceed. Always maintain a visual contact with the following vehicle. (Sometimes dust may obscure you view and it may be necessary to do a radio check).

  • Maintain your position in the convoy (except in unavoidable circumstances). When travelling on busy roads, leave room for other vehicles to overtake safely. Make a note of the vehicle in front and behind you. Vehicles in convoy should travel at a safe distance apart, with greatest consideration to other vehicles that aren't in your convoy. 

  • Vehicles wishing to stop, must flash headlights, vehicle in front flash left and right indicators to acknowledge or advise intentions over UHF radio. Each vehicle in front is responsible for the vehicle behind at all times, in difficult terrain or when turning off a road or at a crossroads.  If there is no vehicle in sight, WAIT.

  • At river and creek crossings, wait until the vehicle ahead is through before proceeding. Always wait at an intersection, to ensure that the vehicle following has identified the correct route to be taken.

  • Avoid travelling too close to the vehicle in front when ascending and descending steep hills.

  • No vehicle is to break and leave the convoy, unless the trip leader has been informed first. Tail-end Charlie should constantly hold his position thought the entire trip.

  • Always leave gates and property as they were found. Second vehicle in convoy is responsible for opening and closing gates unless otherwise directed. Always keep to formed tracks. 

  • Seat belts should be worn at all times.

  • Please keep radio conversations short and relevant. In general, use UHF for club activities.

Convoy Rules

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